No pases de esta entrada (Interpersonal Communication)


by Ramón Clavijo (LTL Contributor)

En la entrada anterior hablamos de cómo expresar ayuda y cooperación, así que, aprovechando que el Pisuerga pasa por Valladolid, no podemos dejar pasar la ocasión de pasarte algunos de los usos más habituales del verbo pasar. Y es que tus estudiantes no pueden pasar sin conocerlos.

Para que no pases tanto tiempo buscando significados y ejemplos, ya nos hemos pasado nosotros por las 64 acepciones que la RAE le otorga a este verbo. Ahora bien, no queremos pasarnos de prolijos (y que acabes pasando de leer esta entrada), así que hemos pasado por alto muchos de ellos.

Sin más dilación, pasamos a explicarte en qué consiste la 👉 infografía que incluimos con este post: se trata de una serie de preguntas para fomentar la conversación entre tus estudiantes, permitiéndoles usar dicho verbo en un ambiente desenfadado.

Descárgate la infografía, úsala en tus clases… y a ver qué pasa 🤔.


Conversations Through Social Media

social media

by Victoria Berasaluce Guerra (LTL Contributor)

Why use social media in the WL classroom?

A way to engage students today is planning our lessons and class conversations around the social media they navigate. This will evolve from time to time and platforms available and trending topics will change (the evolution from Facebook, to Instagram, to Twitter or Snapchat, etc. makes a point). Teachers need to be aware of what is relevant and current and adapt the resources they use accordingly.

One of the reasons I wanted to talk about social media in a world language classroom became apparent after reflecting on my own practices. I realized that I am drawn not only to use language related to our curricula but also about life in general and topics that might interest students or that might expand our lessons beyond the scope of the material we always use.

So…how to go about this?

The beauty of social media today is that you can find examples of almost everything online. From funny videos, to memes, to quotes…, the possibilities are endless.

You may choose to use social media at any stage of your lesson delivery, either as a warm up activity, as the main part of your lesson, as a springboard or end of a unit, or extra practice to reinforce content knowledge.

Take as an instance the following social media examples:


Before introducing the video…

  • You can have the students complete an introductory guided activity, frontloading some of the vocabulary they will encounter. 
  • As a class, you may discuss beforehand students’ opinions on the topic that will be covered and tap into their background knowledge to dissipate doubts.  
  • If you are using the video as a warm up activity, you might prefer to let them discover the content gradually to have some surprises regarding the message. 
  • Listen to students to hear what they are bringing to the table, their ideas many times can lead to interesting conversations you might not have considered, or they might choose to share some personal story. 
  • After the discussion, you can opt to go deeper by creating a mini project related to what students just watched.
A screenshot of a social media post

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Jokes or Quotes

Social media jokes or quotes can be used to practice grammar and decipher meaning, seeing the language in use by different speakers around the world. For example, you can play with pronunciation posts, dialects, famous personalities or to explain idioms.

A person sitting in a chair with a sign on the back

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Conversations around cultural topics

To delve into cultural comparisons, you can choose a specific social media post introduced in class and give more examples of cultural products, practices and perspectives for students.

A person in a purple dress

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Some tips and questions to consider when using social media

#1 Screenshots and Videos

Because of the nature of these platforms, it is always good to take screenshots of pictures and screen record videos; to avoid pitfalls such as unwanted comments or images appearing in front of students. That way you get better control over the material and no surprises.

#2 Questions and Questioning 

Think about how the material connects to what you are teaching.

  • What questions could the students have? 
  • What questions would you use to guide the students in understanding the language and topics covered?
  • What other resources could you use to complement the social media content chosen?

#3 Paratext

Don’t disregard the paratext that accompanies the media posts since it enriches the students’ experiences around common vocabulary and expressions. For example, common textual and visual elements that surround the posts, such as comments, can serve as a starting point to expand the discussion into what people think of the publication.

In conclusion, using social media to promote conversations in the classroom can be a powerful tool to engage students and help them connect what they are learning within the classroom with the outside world. It is a unique opportunity for teachers to take advantage of making their scrolling productive and reignite their passion for language and culture.

Hagamos que la Gramática Fluya


by Ramón Clavijo (LTL Contributor)

Es probable que hayas removido Roma con Santiago para que tus estudiantes dejen de confundir ser y estar o para que sepan combinar correctamente el imperfecto y el indefinido, recurriendo para ello a múltiples manuales, adaptando y creando materiales o echando mano de recursos de Internet.

Pero no solo de grandes cuestiones gramaticales vive el profesorado de ELE. Nuestros alumnos también tienen problemas para usar correctamente muy y mucho, saber cuándo usar qué y cuándo utilizar cuál o diferenciar entre más que y más de.

Uso correcto de la gramática

Estos son contenidos que no suelen ocupar un lugar central en las unidades de los manuales, por lo que la mayoría de las veces nos tenemos que contentar con recurrir a gramáticas de referencia que, si bien son útiles, suelen reducir estas cuestiones a una breve explicación y a unos pocos ejercicios de refuerzo.

Por eso, hoy nos gustaría hablarte de un libro 📚 que puede cubrir estas carencias. Nos referimos a Diagramática. Curso de gramática visual (A1/B2), en el que se reúnen algunas de las dudas gramaticales más frecuentes entre los estudiantes de español.


Una de sus novedades es que cada contenido es introducido a partir de una muestra de lengua acerca de algún tema de actualidad 🌍 (uso y abuso del móvil, inmigración, bulos en prensa, cuestiones ambientales, lenguaje inclusivo, obsolescencia programada…), lo cual lo distingue de las gramáticas de referencia al uso, permitiendo, además, el fomento del debate en clase 🗨👥️.

Otra de sus aportaciones es el uso de diagramas de flujo, herramientas visuales orientadas a la resolución eficaz de las dudas y confusiones que nuestros estudiantes suelen tener respecto a estos contenidos.

Un diagrama de flujo

Precisamente, con esta entrada te ofrecemos un diagrama de flujo 👇 sobre uno de los pocos temas que no se incluyen en el libro: la colocación de los pronombres. Esperamos que te sea de utilidad y que te permita hacer que la gramática fluya en tus clases.

T.A.L.K. Is Interpersonal Mode of Communication and More


Many years ago (actually, 2015!) I read an article on T.A.L.K. by Mme. Blouwolff (Thank you!) which made me change how I implemented interpersonal communication in my classes. I loved the task she presented and the rubric she created, so I had to try it! 

What is T.A.L.K.?

T.A.L.K. is an acronym that stands for Talk, Accuracy, Listen, Kindness.

  • T is for Talk in the language for all the Time given. Try to communicate in the Target language. Stay on Topic. Prepare yourself by Thinking: 
  1. What vocabulary words can I use for this topic? 
  2. How do I communicate about this topic in full sentences? 
  3. What questions can I ask?
  • A is for Accuracy when using old and new language functions and structures and old and new vocabulary. A is also for Accountability
  • L is for Listen carefully to others’ answers and comments and build on them
  • K is for Kindness to all group members by contributing to the conversation without interrupting and by inviting others to participate. Be inclusive!

Use the Rubric

At the beginning of the year, I explicitly (and intentionally) use the rubric Mme. Blouwolff created for the first couple of T.A.L.K. ‘practices’ for students to self-evaluate themselves. They find it easier to start this new way of practicing interpersonal communication. It also helps them to understand the expectations of this task.

Explain the ‘Why’ of Interpersonal Communication

When I explain T.A.L.K. and what we are doing to my students I see an immediate positive change in their attitude towards speaking. They are not answering MY questions, they are answering questions their peers ask… They are in control of their interpersonal communication. They own it! T.A.L.K. empowers!

Preparing for T.A.L.K.

T.A.L.K. does not happen in a vacuum. Students practice having interpersonal communication in class every day. I use different resources, such as Amy Lenord’s Chat Mats or conversations based on art, a reading, or a clip they watch. I also vary the pairings using different classroom groupings such as, ‘Table for…’,  two rows, or four corners. 

Two things become apparent when I start T.A.L.K. in my classes. On the one hand, students need to learn how to ask questions, not just memorized phrases, but questions you would normally ask in a ‘real’ conversation. On the other hand, students realize that they need ‘connectors’ to express what they want to say more cohesively. To help them, I create a ‘world wall’ with some ‘connectors’ such as, because, so, when, however, although, etc., and ‘question words’ my students need to use in their conversations.

Interpersonal Communication: Pre, During, and Post T.A.L.K.

Before we start the T.A.L.K. assessment I use some T.A.L.K. routines to help students ease into the conversation:

  • ‘what are we TALKing about today?’ 
  • ‘tips for an amazing T.A.L.K.’, 
  • ‘follow one student’ during the conversation, and 
  • a ‘reflection’ after the T.A.L.K.

In my class, T.A.L.K. is a class activity in which we gather in a circle with a small group in the center and the rest of the students are placed around them (like ‘fishbowl’).


Before we begin, I make sure students know the topics expected in the conversation by asking them ‘What are we TALKing about today?’ This way, we focus our brains on the vocabulary and functions we need to retrieve from our working memory. 

I continue with ‘tips for an amazing T.A.L.K.’ on how to have T.A.L.K. conversations. Doing this just before starting, also reminds students of the task expectations and helps them lower their affective filter. They might say,

  • If somebody is stuck or does not understand the question you are asking, give options, for example, if you ask ‘What do you do on the weekends?’ and the other student does not know the word ‘weekends’, you might say ‘Saturday? Sunday?’ That way, you are kind and it helps continuing the conversation without an odd silence
  • Invite all to be part of the conversation by asking a question to all the members in the group
  • Talk about things that you know but if you do not remember or do not know a specific word, use words to describe it so a friend can help you
  • Don’t repeat the same questions (‘What do you like?’ ‘How are you?’). Instead, try to ask new questions for the conversation to flow
  • Have three good questions ready in your head in case suddenly everybody is silent
  • Think that the T.A.L.K. assessment is a T.A.L.K. practice 

During T.A.L.K.

While the students in the center would be the ones talking, the ones in the outer circle have to ‘follow one student’ and jot down in their notebooks what he/she says. I can check students’ listening and spelling skills with this and realize who needs more practice on one or both. 


After students have done the T.A.L.K., the other component is a ‘reflection’ about their performance that can be written in their notebooks or using a form. I ask questions such as, 

  • What are you proud of? 
  • What went well for you today?
  • What did you learn about yourself? about your peers?
  • How are you going to prepare yourself for the next T.A.L.K.?  What is one thing that you would do differently next time we have a T.A.L.K.?
  • If you had to give yourself a grade on Talking. Accuracy, Listening, and Kindness about your performance, which would that be?
  • In your opinion, which level of proficiency did your reach for the most part during T.A.L.K.? What evidence do you have to support your self-assessment? What can you do to achieve the next level?
  • How can the teacher help you be more successful next time?

I love reading students’ deep thoughts and reflections on their performance! I learn a lot about them and it gives me hints on what I can do to help each of them.

Give T.A.L.K a Try!

Learning about each other while talking in another language is very satisfying for students. It provides an unimaginable sense of authenticity and pride. Give it a try in your classes!