Dejemos huellas / Let’s Make a Mark


by Justa Rebollo Paz (LTL Contributor)

Dejemos huellas

Un día dejé este post it en la sala de maestras….

No sé qué les despierta a ustedes, a vos, pero a mí me dice que cada vez que “toquemos” el corazón de un niño (un alumno en este caso, pero puede ser cualquier persona) lo hagamos con la consciencia tal, de que nos aseguremos de dejar una huella en él.

  • Para así, crear posibilidades para que el aprendizaje suceda.
  • Para que involucremos nuestro corazón con el suyo y se forme ese vínculo tan necesario para poder aprender.
  • Para aprender siendo escuchado, siendo cuidado, siendo contenido, siendo empoderado, siendo motivado, siendo bien recibido…. así voy a dejar huella, y así ellos van a aprender (y nosotros también)

Probemos. Dejemos huellas en los corazones.

Let’s Make a Mark

One day I left this post-it note in the teachers’ lounge…

I don’t know what it awakens in you, but it tells me that every time we “connect with” a child’s heart (a student in this case, but it could be anyone), we do so with the awareness to make sure we leave a mark on them.

Let’s make a mark 

  • In order to create opportunities for learning to happen.
  • So that we engage our hearts with others’ and form that bond so necessary for learning.
  • So that they learn by being listened to, being cared for, being supported, being empowered, being motivated, being welcomed… 

That’s how I’ll make a mark, and that’s how they’ll learn (and in the process so will we).

Let’s give it a try. Let’s leave a mark on their hearts.

Justa’s post reminded me of the book ‘The Dot’ by Peter H. Reynolds and its message “Just make a mark and see where it takes you.”

Enamórate de lo que haces – Fall in Love with What you Do


by Justa Rebollo Paz (LTL Contributor)

Enamórate de lo que haces

❤️ ¡¡¡Y siiiii!!! Febrero. El mes de los enamorados. Y te propongo enamorarte.

❤️ Enamórate de lo que hagas. Lo que hagas, hazlo con amor, hazlo con toda la dedicación, el tiempo y el cuidado que puedas y tengas para ofrecer.

❤️ Porque cuando uno se enamora, da todo.

❤️ Y cuando uno da todo, la cosa sale mejor.

❤️ Si eres mamá, sé la mejor mamá y enamórate de ser mamá.

❤️ Si eres papá, sé un papá con todas las letras, un ejemplo a seguir e imitar.

❤️ Si eres maestra/o, deja todo en el aula, da todo por esos chicos que te esperan cada día.

❤️ Si trabajas en una empresa, hazlo con alegría y contagia buen humor. Diviértete.

❤️ Si eres profesional de la salud, cuida a tus pacientes de la mejor manera que puedas, sabiendo que ellos se entregan a ti confiando.

❤️ Si pasas tus días en un comercio, contagia buena onda a cada cliente que pase a comprar o a mirar lo que vendés.

❤️ Si tienes a cargo muchas personas, lidéralas mostrándoles el camino, arremangándote a la par y enamorándote de tu equipo

❤️ Si trabajas solo/a, independiente, y no estás en contacto con tanta gente en la cotidianeidad, felicítate, cuídate, busca algo que te haga sentir mimado/a y disfruta de ese trabajo.

❤️ Hagas lo que hagas, hazlo con amor.

❤️ Enamórate de lo que hacés.

❤️ Y mágicamente, todo va a fluir mucho más…

❤️ Después cuéntame…

IG @educaraconsciencia

Fall in Love with What you Do

❤️ ¡¡¡Yes!!! February. The month of love. And I propose to you to fall in love.

❤️ Fall in love with what you do. Whatever you do, do it with love, do it with all the dedication, time and care that you can and that you have to offer.

❤️ Because when you fall in love, you give everything.

❤️ And when you give everything, things turn out better.

❤️ If you are a mother, be the best mother and fall in love with being a mother.

❤️ If you’re a dad, be a dad ‘with all the letters’, a role model to imitate.

❤️ If you are a teacher, give everything in the classroom, give everything for those children who wait for you every day.

❤️ If you work in a company, do it with joy and spread good humor. Enjoy yourself.

❤️ If you are a healthcare professional, take care of your patients in the best way you can, knowing that they trust you.

❤️ If you spend your days in a shop, spread good vibes to every customer who comes to buy or look at what you sell.

❤️ If you have a lot of people under your charge, lead them by showing them the way, rolling up your sleeves and ‘falling in love’ with your team

❤️ If you work alone, independently, congratulate yourself, take care of yourself, look for something that makes you feel pampered and enjoy that job.

❤️ Whatever you do, do it with love.

❤️ Fall in love with what you do

❤️ And magically, everything will flow better..

❤️ Then, let me know about what you LOVE

IG @educaraconsciencia

El humor te salva / Humor Heals You (Spanish & English)


by Justa Rebollo Paz (LTL Contributor)

El humor te salva

Una de las teorías más representativas del humor, tanto en la filosofía como en la psicología e incluso la fisiología, es la teoría de BIENESTAR, el ALIVIO o la SANACIÓN.

El humor (cuyo efecto físico/muscular más claro es la risa), tiene efectos en el sistema nervioso y permite descargar distintos niveles de tensión.

O sea, el humor y la risa tienen el potencial de liberar energía nerviosa acumulada.

  • Llevemos humor por todos lados donde vayamos.
  • Contagiemos humor, risa, alegría.
  • Apelemos al humor en momentos no tan buenos, y transformémoslos en mejores.
  • Respondamos con humor en la vida cotidiana.
  • Descoloquemos la rutina, con una dosis de humor cada día.
  • Despertemos a nuestros hijos con humor, y se despertarán con humor… así de fácil
  • Viajemos con humor, aún con una ciudad llena de tráfico
  • Esperemos el colectivo con humor en esas colas eternas

El HUMOR nos salva de caer en el enojo, en el nerviosismo, en el bajón, en el aburrimiento….

Hagamos de esto un hábito en nosotros. Y de a poco será un hábito y una forma de manejarse para nuestros hijos o nuestras parejas, o nuestros compañeros de trabajo.

Acordate, el humor se contagia.

Y el humor te salva.

Humor Heals You

One of the most representative theories of humor, both in philosophy and in psychology and even physiology, is the theory of WELL-BEING, RELIEF or HEALING.

Humor (whose most obvious physical/muscular effect is laughter) has effects on the nervous system and allows us to discharge different levels of tension.

In other words, humor and laughter have the potential to release accumulated negative energy.

  • Let’s carry humor everywhere we go.
  • Let’s spread humor, laughter, and joy.
  • Let’s appeal to humor in not-so-good moments, and transform them into better ones.
  • Let’s respond with humor in everyday life.
  • Let’s disrupt routine, with a dose of humor every day.
  • Let’s wake up our children with humor, and they will wake up with humor… it’s that easy
  • Let’s travel with humor, even in a city full of traffic
  • Let’s wait for the bus with humor in those eternal queues

HUMOR saves us from falling into anger, nervousness, depression, boredom…

Let’s make this a habit for ourselves. And little by little it will become a habit and a way of handling things for our children or our partners, or our coworkers.

Remember, humor is contagious.

And humor heals you.

Frená / Slow Down (in Spanish and English)

Slow Down

by Justa Rebollo Paz (LTL Contributor)


  • 🛑 Frenaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
  • 🛑 Frená y mirá
  • 🛑 Frená y prestá atención.
  • 🛑 No andes en piloto automático.
  • 🛑 La vida pasa más rápido de lo que queremos y de lo que esperamos.
  • 🛑 Así que frená y disfrutá de cada instante.
  • 🛑 Frená y viví.
  • 🛑 Frená y valorá.
  • 🛑 Frená y saboreá…
  • 🤍 Ese mate calentito que te preparaste a la mañana.
  • 🤍 Esa persona que te dió una mano en el trabajo.
  • 🤍 El sol en la cara.
  • 🤍 Esa persona que te dejó pasar… o que pasó primero y te sostuvo la puerta para que pasaras.
  • 🤍 Esa flor que ayer estaba por abrir y hoy abrió.
  • 🤍 Las palabras de tu mamá. De tu abuela.
  • 🤍 Las miradas de quien ames.
  • 🤍 Esa persona que te preguntó cómo estabas y realmente quería escuchar tu respuesta.
  • 🤍 Ese amigo que te hace reír.
  • 🤍 El perro moviendo la cola al verte. O el gato ronroneando.
  • 🤍 El mate que ya se lavó un poco pero igual te cebaron con la mejor onda del mundo.
  • 🤍 Ese proyecto que tenés en mente.
  • 🤍 La complicidad.
  • 🤍 El alfajor que te compraste.
  • 🤍 El gorrioncito que pasó por la ventana.
  • 🤍 Ese beso que te dieron. El que te mandaron. O el que todavía esperás.
  • 🤍 Frená en lo simple y vas a ver, que llegas al final de cada día lleno de pequeñas cosas, que hacen bien al corazón.
  • 🤍 Y así, vas a poder coleccionar lindos momentos, lindos recuerdos, para cuando no te quede otra que estar frenado…
  • 🤍 Disfrutemos hoy.
  • 🤍 Y para terminar, te regalo esta frase que no se de quien es pero leí por ahí… “A partir de ahora buscaré los siempre del los jamases y viviré mi vida disfrutándola con todos los matices.”

Slow Down

  • 🛑 Slow down!
  • 🛑 Slow down and watch
  • 🛑 Slow down and pay attention.
  • 🛑 Don’t go on autopilot.
  • 🛑 Life goes faster than we want and expect.
  • 🛑 So slow down and enjoy every moment.
  • 🛑 Slow down and live.
  • 🛑 Slow down and assess.
  • 🛑 Slow down and enjoy…
  • 🤍 That warm mate you prepared yourself in the morning.
  • 🤍 That person who helped you at work.
  • 🤍 The warm sun on your face.
  • 🤍 That person who let you pass… or that passed first and opened the door for you to go 
  • 🤍 That flower that was about to open yesterday and opened today.
  • 🤍 The words you heard your mom say. The ones you heard from your grandmother.
  • 🤍 The gaze of the one you love.
  • 🤍 That person who asked how you were and really wanted to hear your answer.
  • 🤍 That friend who makes you laugh.
  • 🤍 The dog wagging its tail at seeing you. Or the  purr of your cat.
  • 🤍 The mate that is not so strong now but was given to you with all the love in the world. 
  • 🤍 That project you’ve been pondering about for a long time.
  • 🤍 Helping a friend.
  • 🤍 The alfajor you bought for yourself.
  • 🤍 The little sparrow that passed by the window.
  • 🤍 That kiss they gave you. The one they sent you. Or the one you’re still waiting for.
  • 🤍 Slow down on the simple things in life and you’ll see that you get to the end of each day full of little things that fill your heart.
  • 🤍 That way, you will be able to collect nice moments & nice memories for when you have nothing else  than slow down.
  • 🤍 Let’s enjoy today.
  • 🤍 And to finish, I give you this phrase that I don’t know whose it is from but I read it somewhere and loved it… “From now on I will look for the always of the nevers and I will live my life enjoying it with all the nuances”

IG @educaraconsciencia

#disfrutarlavida #disfrutarelmomento #agradecer #gratitude #pequeñosdetalles #nodalomismo #educarconelejemplo #educaraconsciencia🤍

R.E.S.T. During Any Break 


What’s your favorite part of a summer, winter or any break? For me, it’s all about R.E.S.T.

Yes, taking time to rest during a break is essential for my well being. While physical rest, like slowing down and having periods of inactivity is not only needed but also important, I’m referring here to a different kind of rest— R.E.S.T

The “R” is about Relaxing, Recharging, Renewing, and Reviewing my goals 

According to the Cambridge dictionary, relaxing is a “pleasant activity that makes you become calm and less worried.” When you unwind and set aside your duties, it’s easier to recharge and rethink what you want to accomplish next. It helps you organize your ideas and focus on what truly matters. During your next break, renew yourself and consider the big questions: What have I achieved so far? Where has it taken me? Where am I going?

The “E” in R.E.S.T. is about Engaging, Enjoying, and Evaluating

The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines engaging as “having emotional involvement or commitment.” When you are fully engaged, you enjoy what you are doing more and can evaluate your progress with a new light. This helps you find your purpose and move forward with clarity. 

The “S” is about Serendipity

As defined by the Cambridge dictionary, serendipity is “the fact of finding valuable things by chance.” Breaks are perfect times to discover unexpected treasures! I wrote about how ‘serendipity’ inspired me in “Professional and Personal Experiences Inform My Language Curriculum.” Whether meeting new people, visiting new places, or participating in professional learning communities these experiences can inspire you to do something different, thoughtful, and maybe also fun. You never know where your next inspiration will come from.

The “T” in R.E.S.T. is about Trying new things and Trusting yourself

I love learning and being with people, so visiting different places in good company is a must during breaks. Trying new things can open doors to new adventures!—whether it’s a walk on the beach, a visit to a new spot in town, listening to Calm, or tasting a new dish. Inspiration comes in many shapes and forms!

Have confidence in yourself. You’ll make the right choices and create lasting memories from your experiences. Trust yourself; you have it in you! 

Next time you are on a break, think R.E.S.T. You’ll return refreshed and ready for teaching with a new perspective.

Educator Wellness & Generative AI

Educator Wellness & Generative AI

by Noemí Rodríguez (LTL Contributor)

Wellness goes beyond simply being healthy – it’s the active pursuit of physical, social, emotional and mental well being. This can mean many different things – and ultimately, it comes down to what works for YOU! In my opinion, mindfulness is a key component of mental wellness and involves cultivating present-moment awareness without judgment of yourself and/or others. I appreciate and respect both the difficulty and clarity when practicing daily mindfulness. And now, at no cost, we can harness the power of Generative AI to assist us with our daily balancing act of all the things that consume our day to day and sometimes interfere with our wellness.

So how can Generative AI help educators gain wellness in their daily lives?

Large Language Model as Personal Assistant

First, a LLM (Large Language Model) can become your new personal assistant! There are many out there such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, Anthorpic’s Claude, or Microsoft’s CoPilot – they can prove to be very useful in both our personal and professional lives. By training your new assistant in learning YOU and your priorities- whether personal or professional- you are taking a necessary first step to allow this technology to begin to acclimate itself to you.

A simple way to connect is by asking your LLM of choice “Ask me twenty questions in getting to know me, my role in education and my focus for this school year.” Once you receive those questions and provide responses that are unique to you, the LLM will remember, recall and use this information going forward with the content that is uniquely designed for you. You are in the driver’s seat, controlling the outcome based on how you train the model.

Weekly Guidance & Planning for Wellness

If your home is anything like mine – there are many schedules to coordinate and a lot to keep track of, which can often cause stress and miscommunication. In tasking your LLM to assist you with coordinating schedules, consider a Sunday preparation system of communicating with your LLM, “what’s the best way to manage “x, y and z” this week based on these times and create a Monday to Friday schedule, in a table format with this information outlined” or “we have “x, y, z” in our fridge, plan out at least 5 evening meal recipes that are less than 20 minutes to make with these ingredients and consider the following dietary restrictions: _______.”

Whatever it is that you have on your horizon this coming week, see if a LLM can assist you with time management, planning and scheduling.

Coping Strategies & Self-Care for Wellness

That sudden feeling of overwhelm can take over quickly. Ultimately, it is always important to seek assistance from a mental health professional and check with them first. In a time crunch, when I feel unsure how to bring my anxiousness down in that present moment, I can ask ChatGPT for coping strategies for anxiety, stress, apprehension, etc. depending on what I am feeling. I can also ask ChatGPT to provide strategies for my own self-care.

For example, “Plan out at least three movement activities to help me take a five minute break at various points in my work day.” However, please remember to always check with your mental health professional before including ChatGPT suggestions in your strategy repertoire.

Meditations & Mindfulness for Wellness

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.” (Source: Mindfulness has positively impacted me in many ways. By setting up a Mindful Bot in a platform like Mizou– you can interact (or your students) and practice daily mindfulness in this space, without fear, judgment or criticism. Remember, a chatbot can be ANYONE, learn more in this previous blog post dedicated to chatbots.

Imagine being gently led through a meditation session, with a calming voice providing instructions to relax your body and focus your attention. That’s exactly what guided meditations can offer. I’ve always appreciated using apps like Calm, Headspace or Simple Habit.

With the help of ChatGPT and an AI recording, you can explore different techniques such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and visualization. Using an AI Tool such as TTS Maker or Narakeet – you can transform any text to speech, in multiple languages too. By first prompting ChatGPT to design a guided meditation “Create a five minute guided meditation for me that discusses the power of positive thinking and provides lots of breathing techniques.” Here is what Gemini designed for me, instantly.

Five-Minute Guided Meditation: Cultivating Positivity Through Breath

Find your calm: Settle into a comfortable position, sitting or lying down. Close your eyes or soften your gaze. Take a few moments to become aware of your breath and any sensations in your body.

Deep cleansing breaths: Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, feeling your belly rise. Hold for a count of two, then exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing any tension. Repeat this breath three times, focusing on the rise and fall of your abdomen.

Breathing in positivity: Imagine yourself surrounded by a warm, golden light. With each inhale, picture this light filling your lungs and spreading throughout your body, replacing any negativity with confidence and peace. Exhale slowly, releasing any worries you might be holding. Repeat this breath visualization for a minute.

Positive affirmations: Silently repeat these affirmations with each inhale and exhale:

  • Inhale: “I am strong.” Exhale: “I am capable.”
  • Inhale: “I am worthy.” Exhale: “I am loved.”

Bringing it back: Gently bring your awareness back to the present moment. Notice the sounds around you and any sensations in your body. Take a few final deep breaths, inhaling positivity and exhaling anything that no longer serves you.

Ending with presence: When you feel ready, wiggle your fingers and toes, and slowly open your eyes, carrying this sense of calm and positivity with you throughout your day.

Remember, even five minutes of positive thinking and focused breathing can make a big difference. Make it a daily practice to cultivate optimism and inner strength.”

*An audio recording of the above thanks to TTS Maker.

Combating Procrastination

Guilty as charged – procrastination is real in my life. With tasks that I often dread or do not want to finalize, I sometimes wait and wait until the last minute. And, the anxiety builds and the looming deadline is mere hours away.

Where can I turn for assistance with designing a step by step plan to manage these tasks?

AI assistants can offer strategies for breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. They can also provide motivation and accountability strategies to help stay on track. A free tool such as GoblinTools can assist – providing a helpful “to-do” list. It requires no identifying information, so it is also a safe tool for our students to use. There are several helpful tabs to check out!

I also appreciate using both ChatGPT & Canva to design slideshows! By using the “bulk create” app within Canva, you can create a slideshow full of motivational tips for educators!

How can Generative AI assist you in the coming days, weeks, months either personally and/or professionally? 

My hope is that you will take that next first step and begin to experiment, play and develop your own system to harness its incredible power. Could you imagine other ways ChatGPT or other LLMs can assist you with your wellness & well being? Feel free to share below!

I invite you to say goodbye to those endless to-do lists and that feeling of racing to always catch up! Generative AI isn’t here to replace you, it’s here to assist you and work with you. I hope you will consider welcoming this technology and all of the amazing capabilities it has to assist you with your wellness.

*If you are interested in joining a unique community dedicated to exploring these ideas and many other topics related to Generative AI in language instruction, consider a membership to our AI Innovator Community for Language Educators.

A yearly subscription includes monthly themed GenAI workshops, access to several asynchronous courses dedicated to GenAI in the language classroom, a quarterly newsletter with the latest tips & insights and ongoing chats & collaboration amongst educators within the private AI Innovator discussion space. There are also several GenAI courses available to begin or continue your journey in learning about Generative AI as a language educator! Use LTL10 for $10 off!